Did you know that 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder? While this used to be a very scary diagnosis, there are now many interventions available to help these children as they develop and grow. Before a child can be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), an assessment or evaluation must be completed. This will allow the doctors to determine whether or not this diagnosis is appropriate and if so, which developmental areas are impacted by the diagnosis. Because of the popularity of telehealth, you may be wondering if your child can receive an ASD diagnosis through telemedicine.

Is an in-person visit needed? Telemedicine is an option for parents that are seeking an ASD assessment and may even be preferred for some families or providers. At Developmental Pediatrics of Texas, we offer the option of a telemedicine visit and would love to walk you through what you need to know.

If you’re interested in using telemedicine in Texas for your toddler or child, keep reading to find out more about how it works and what you can expect. 

The General Benefits of Telehealth 

It may seem a little difficult for a parent and child to obtain an accurate assessment over the computer. However, did you know that telehealth is actually good for an assessment?

A virtual visit will allow us to see your child in his or her home environment, but also around family members. This will help us learn more about what the situation is for your family at home and allows us to look at your child’s natural demeanor more easily.

Some of the other benefits of telehealth that you may not have considered before include:

  • More comfortable for your child
  • More convenient for the family
  • Easier access to care
  • More immediate and in-the-moment support

There are many other telemedicine benefits as well that allow us to work with you and your child virtually to provide the best care. At Developmental Pediatrics of Texas, we want to make the process as painless as possible for you and your child.

Providing virtual appointments allows us to work with you more effectively and still maintain exceptional patient care. If you’d like more information about how we conduct our telemedicine visits or what you can expect, let us know what your concerns are and we’d be happy to help.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis Through Telemedicine

You may be unsure about whether or not you feel comfortable with such an important assessment being conducted through your computer. After all, an autism diagnosis is something that will stick with your child for years to come. However, it is essential to remember that knowledge regarding the diagnosis and interventions will help.

Early detection of autism is very important for several reasons. For example, studies have shown that early intervention plans can improve a child’s development.

Parents are able to better prepare for future challenges and work toward creating an improved environment for the child to learn. An autism diagnosis may be easier to work with as your child grows if it is made when the child is still young. With this in mind, having the assessment done as soon as possible if you have concerns is a smart choice to make.

Studies have shown that telemedicine autism spectrum disorder assessments are just as accurate as in-person assessments. This means that you don’t have to worry about the efficacy of our assessments being conducted virtually, as they are just as effective. 

What Will the Telehealth ASD Assessment Include?

The assessment through telemedicine is holistic and will cover many developmental areas. The reason that this assessment is extensive is that ASD can impact many different parts of development, so testing each area helps us see the bigger picture.

We want to make sure the final diagnosis we provide is correct and to do this, we need to have all of the information available. 

Some of the developmental areas that are tested include:

  • Social ability
  • Memory
  • Language
  • Attention
  • Movement
  • Visual and spatial ability
  • Mood

It is important to us that we look at your child’s skill level from every angle rather than just providing a diagnosis or ruling something out. This will help us create a better intervention and goal plan with you if your child is diagnosed with ASD. 

Every child is different and because of this, the assessment may require multiple sessions. In order to provide the best care, we must cover all of the previously mentioned developmental areas with testing and this can take time.

Rest assured that we will work with you every step of the way. We want to make sure that you and your child are comfortable and know what is coming next. If you have questions about the specific tests, let us know and we can walk you through the process.

Contact Developmental Pediatrics of Texas Today

With our use of telemedicine, we can help you and your child create a plan and take the next steps toward a stronger family. 

The assessment may seem scary at the beginning, but remember that we are here to support you and your child throughout the entire process. An autism assessment and evaluation is all about getting to know your child better and finding the best ways to help him or her succeed. 

We are happy to work with toddlers and children from all over Texas, even if you live outside of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Please get in touch with us to ask additional questions or make an appointment for your child’s assessment.